Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week 27

Today I have been pregnant for 1/2 a year, give or take a few days. It's been the shortest half year of my life! It's so exciting to think that Lord willing in 3 months we will be able to hold this little miracle!
This week baby Pauls  is working on his/her lungs and immune system and the brain is also continuing to grow at a very rapid pace, the brain waves now are working just like a new born baby.
He/she  is also opening it's eyes for the first time since it was 9 weeks old!
Over the past 15 weeks he/she has doubled in length and now measures 14 inches and weighs 2 pounds. 

I am feeling great, I love looking at all the cute baby stuff but so far have not bought any (almost any) :) Josh is very protective and won't allow me to do anything, well it's not that bad, but... :) I don't mind, who doesn't like to be told to relax. :)
We thank you for each one of you for your prayers. As 30 weeks gets closer and closer both Josh and I are remembering what happened last time. We trust that God will work His will but we still covet your prayers!

Only 13 weeks, or 3 months left!


Anonymous said...

Hi Becca!
Your looking good, I miss you so much!
Its hard to believe only 13 more weeks, can't wait!! :)
Love you all lots!!
Love, Rae

The Mayo Family said...

Your sure looking good!
Baby is really getting bigg-er!
What a blessings~
Yes, it is hard at times to take it easy....but will be so worth it!
Think of the days you'll be busy x's 2! :) Fun :)Yeah!