Thursday, December 29, 2016

Finishing Up The Addition

November 12 
We had brunch then I went to town for j trim.
While I was gone Josh had finished painting!! That guy is amazing!
The weather was beautiful so we moved outside and got started with siding. 
When I say we I mean Josh. :)
I passed him the odd piece but mostly the kids and I sorted through boards, cleaned up garage and brought out snacks.
Josh worked so hard to get the addition done, he really is amazing! Oh did that I say that already?

Measuring like Daddy.

The kids making their own "house".

Enjoying the amazing weather in the middle of November!!

Josh finished the siding the same day he started, which left us 6 days till the carpet was to come. We filled those days with dusting and cleaning the windows in the addition, putting up the light fixtures and out lets, getting wood for our stove, installing the stove, cleaning up garbage, getting trim and base boards painting them and doing the final clean up.

It seemed like November 18 couldn't get here fast enough!
We were all up bright and early that morning, and by the time I was in from milking and we had eaten the carpet guy was here!!
We managed to do some school, but most of the morning was spent watching him.
And Brendan couldn't stop asking questions.
By the time he was done installing the carpet we knew the poor mans name, what he had for lunch, if he had dessert, that he had bananas at his house and a few other things! :)

And then just like that it was ready for us!!
To say that the kids were excited would be a drastic understatement!
They couldn't get enough of it!!
Taylor learnt how to climb up the stairs right away.

They loved the soft floor and all the space and just laughed and played!

After Josh got in from feeding the cows we had 2 hours before we had to leave for hockey, we made the most of those 2 hours and got all the baseboards and trim in and moved the couches and chair in too.
Then after we got back from hockey I milked and Josh put the kids to bed then we got busy and mounted the tv, hung up the self, put up our family pictures then got to bed at 2 am. Our very last late night working in the addition!!
The next day we built our first fire in the stove!
I will never get tired of having a wood stove!!

We all really like it!

And here is the new room!
Looking in from the opening.

The South wall. 

The South East corner.

The stove in the North East corner.

The North wall.

And the stairs. I kinda really like the stairs! :)

And thats our "new room". We have enjoyed it more than I knew we would, its been such a blessing to have more room for the kids and having people over, plus its such a cozy room, its my favourite place in our house!

1 comment:

Jennifer Penner said...

I am a fan of this addition. Y'all did an amazing job!!