Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week 32

Another week closer to meeting our newest miracle, talk about exciting news!!
There is really not a lot to say about the baby this week, now that everything is developed he/she is staying busy practicing it's breathing, blinking it's eyes, sucking it's thumb, making faces, listening to whatever is happening around me, smiling and growing, growing, growing! Together we will be gaining about 1 pound every week, half of that going to the baby. :)
Right now he/she weighs around 4 pounds and measures close to 17 inches.

I'm doing great! I'm at the point where I am trying to decided if I should start getting baby stuff ready or wait longer because I don't want to be bored with nothing to do at the end of my pregnancy. :) I never feel alone because as soon as I sit down I can enjoy a wonderful preformance in my tummy. :)
1 month 3weeks and 5 days, or 57 days to go!


Andrew Joshua Pauls said...

i love you mommy :)
i can't wait to meet myj l/ittle baby brro/sils!

love you sweet andy

ps. sorry for the spellin mistakes....auntie meg says i am doing good for my age though

Anonymous said...

Your looking good Becca!
It's hard to believe it's already so close till when we'll get to meet our new nice/nephew!!
I'm so excited!
Glad to here that everything is going good, praying for you!
Love you guys lots!

p.s like your shirt Becca! :)

Mrs. Pauls said...

Love these posts! I just get so excited to everytime you reach another week.

My advice to you (whatever that is worth) is to get sorting baby stuff now, before you are 40 weeks and exhausted.

Hah! I don't even know what 40 weeks feels like, yet I still am handing out advice. Silly.

I'm glad you are enjoying your pregnancy. Have fun. :)