Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Toys!

At the baby shower that our church had for Andrew a bunch of the ladies bought us an exersauser which I had been waiting to put together. Finally I decided that Andy was almost big enough and I better get started. :) Andrew thought it was a good idea too and he waited eagerly as I tried to figure everything out.
I never thought there would be that many pieces!!

So out came the instruction book. :)

Andrew waiting as patiently as babies can wait.

Finally we got it done! And Andy got to try it out right away...
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He still is not quite sure what to make of it, but he does like the colors and in a short while I'm sure he will be spending a lot of time in there.
Thanks a lot to all of you girls for the very nice gift!


One of those Pauls people said...

Wow! That is a fancy excercauser! That is what I need, they have been getting so bored lately.


Josh and Rebecca Pauls said...

Ya once he gets a bit bigger its going to keep him happy for a long time!

Anonymous said...

Awwww I have such a cute nephew :)

Looks like fun,and Andy is as sweet as ever.

Love you lots!!
