Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Some More Smiles...

ANDREW has been doing very good lately, I started to nurse him all the time now which usually takes about one hour and then since I don't have enough milk he gets some formula after nursing, so it seems like we spend MOST of our day eating. :) But I LOVE spending time with AJ so that's just fine with me!
According to what I can figure out he is taking around 6 ozs per feeding now! I'm not sure what he weighs, he has to go in for his last RSV shot next week Monday so he will get weighed then, but I'm guessing right around 10 lbs.
We have not been into the city in awhile now which has been REALLY nice! But besides Monday Andrew also has his surgery for planned for April 6th, we ask that you would once again lift ANDREW and the Doctors in PRAYER, we want to trust God that He will stay true to His promise, that He works all things together for good.
Other than that life seems to be going on NORMALLY, or as normal as it can be. :) I thought I would share some pictures of ANDY spending some time with his FAVORITE person in the whole world, his DADDY. Josh is the one he will smile for all the time, even if he is crying he does his very best to stop and give Josh a cute lop sided grin. :) Enjoy!!

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Laura said...

We'll be praying, ya'll are so very blessed! I look forward to the day I can meet al 3 of you face to face (since I feel like I already know you).

The pictures are precious, and his expressions are priceless! I love how the sun is coming through the window and you can see his sweet peach fuzz cute!

Josh and Rebecca Pauls said...

Thankyou for noticing his hair, :) he is working on growing it and he needs all the encouragement he can get!
We are alo really lookingfrward to meeting you, it's going to be so fun!
Thankyou for your prayers!

The Pauls' Family said...

I can't wait till ya'll can meet eachother either!!!!!!
Its only 22 days!!!!!!!

Loved the pics Becca!!!!

Love you and miss you LOTS!
(it has been two days since we have seen you:(

Love Ker

The Pauls' Family said...

Love the pics Reb!

His smile is SOOO sweet (speaking from experience :)

Love ya all SOOO very very much!
Your lil sis Jen

Anonymous said...

The pictures are SOOO cute Becca!

Andy is just so ADORABLE!!
LOVE them!

Your sis Rae