We had alot of fun together tonight, he loves to snuggle, and so do I!
Dont you just love that blonde/red hair? Just like his Daddies. :)
Thankyou Mom and Dad Pauls for that wonderful verse of encouragment, it was just what we needed!
We had alot of fun together tonight, he loves to snuggle, and so do I!
Dont you just love that blonde/red hair? Just like his Daddies. :)
I have been thinking of this verse alot today; With out a great God taking care of us things would seem impossible; but we know that He is always here and we want to trust Him and continue to live in His will.
Andrew is doing alot better, as of yesterday he still has the infection, but he is feeling alot better and lets us know that by crying when I change his diaper instead of just laying there, and by constantly pulling at his prongs and so on. :) So we are still praying for the infection to clear up.
As you can see, it's not to comfortable for him.
And that is where our little guy is at today; Thankyou once again for your continued prayers; They mean more to us than you will ever know!
His weight went down to 1120 grams, but the nurses are saying that he should be gaining weight soon, now that he is getting more milk per feeding.
His breathing as been pretty good, the first 2 days he was on what is called the CPAP, which allows him to do all his own breathing but just has a constant air flow blowing into his nose to make it easier for him to breath. Then when he was 3 days old they put nasal prongs on instead of the CPAP which really does the same thing except it just gives him little puffs of air instead of a constant flow.
Because he is so small he will forget to breath every once in a while, this is very normal. Usually you just need to wake him up a bit and then he breaths again. On Sunday Andrew was put back onto the CPAP because of forgetting to breath to often and then taking awhile to get out of it, he was on them for 1 day and was then put back on the nasal prongs.
And that is what he is on still, so we are praying that his breathing will stay strong and that he will be able to stay on the nasal prongs, they are alot more comfortable for him, and its also a sign that he is getting better.
Mom talking to the girls on MSN.
My sweetheart, watching football, but always having time to give me a smile. :)
I just love him to bits!!!!!
The proud new parents! It's hard to believe that we really are a Mom and Dad! After having been induced things moved pretty quickly and at 5:10 our little miracle, Andrew Joshua was born.