Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Because It's Cold Outside

It happens every year, the extreme cold hits, and we get stuck inside. Not that it's a bad place to be, its rather quite nice compared to the weather outside. 
But... it usually gets me thinking of the warm weather that we were enjoying not that long ago.
And since I still have many, many Summer pictures that need to be blogged, here they are!

Our first bon fire of 2014

It was an exciting time!

Andy and Kayla watched carefully, fires are one of their favourite things in the summer, so this was great!

Brendan was more interested in the tractor that was used to bring the wood over.

Thats better!

Smiles for mom.

After Teddy came over Brendan changed his mind about the tractor, cause there not much that this little guy like more than this dog! 

And one of my favourite pictures! She loves that Daddy of hers!

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