Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Kerri!!

Kerri is special girl.
She as the biggest servant heart that I have ever had the pleasure of being around.
Kerri is a treasure. 
She never complains, she works tirelessly, she serves others before herself.
Kerri is a jewel.
She loves to sing, laugh, make others laugh and have a great time.
Kerri is a sweetheart.
She isn't afraid of work, she is organized and she loves to move things around in the kitchen.

Kerri you deserve a wonderful day, cause you are such a wonderful person.
We love you Kerri!!

These are all harvest pictures, when I had the pleasure of helping Kerri. 
I had a lot of fun girl!

Making pizza.

Kayla amazed at the amount of work Auntie Ker gets done! :)

Making biscuits and holding Brendan. :)

Mid-night doughnut making time.

Watching the combines.

Taking Eli for a ride.

Making stew.

Frosting cupcakes.

Making biscuits again.

Dishing out stew.

Washing dishes.

Because of Kerri, these little kids are all smiling. :)

1 comment:

Breathe Deep said...

Great post Becks! Ker sure is a one of a kind gal!!
Love u!