Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Week 35

Only 5 weeks to go!!! With everyday that goes by I get more excited for the time when I can finally hold this miracle in my arms instead of my tummy!
We had an ultrasound and midwife appointment on Monday and both went very well, it will take a week till we get the news from the Dr. if the baby is completely healthy, but from what we could see everything was there and working very well. I was going to post pictures but the baby is to big to be able to get a good picture. It was so exciting to see our baby moving around, it made it seem to real!
This week little Pauls continues to grow more fat, he/she now weighs 5.3 pounds and measures 18.2 inches. The babies lungs are now producing surfactant which keeps the lungs from sticking together.

By the time 8 pm rolls around every day I am ready to do nothing. My back and ribs hurt and sitting just feels really good. But I am very thankful that I can make it till then, I'm sure my days would be a lot longer if I felt that way all day. I am starting to get things ready for the birth, it so exciting!!!
1 month and 5 days or 36 days left!

1 comment:

The Mayo Family said...

Beautiful! :)