Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Becca!!

Hello there! This is Megan, Rebecca's sister in law.
I needed to hack her blog today because some things just can't go unsaid.
The world needs to know.
Today is a very special day, Today My dear sis turns um..I think it's 23 or is it 24 oh dear let me go check...She's 25!!! She looks like she could be 19 or 20... anyways.

She's turning 25 TODAY!!!!!!!!
It's Her birthday TODAY!!!!!!!!
For those of you who don't know Rebecca, well your missing out. She is one of the sweetest gals I know! She is so beautiful, She has an amazing servants heart..she is always willing to help out.
She has some amazing decorating skills, leave it up to becca she will get er done! :)
She is an AMAZING wife and mother. She is a great picture taker person, sports playing person, marshmallow roasting person...goodness I don't think there is anything she is bad at!

So if you all want to wish her a Happy Happy birthday that would be vonderful! :)

Happy Birthday Bec's!! Love ya! :)


The Pauls' Family said...

Well said Megan!!! Happy Birthday Becca! We love you lots :)

Sereina said...

Happy Birthday, Rebecca!

Mrs. Pauls said...

Wow Rebecca, I am way late on this, but happy birthday!